Elijah Craig is
one of the few Heaven Hill brands that graces us with single
barrel expressions. Currently, the 18 and 23 year bourbons are being bottled. It has a bourbon that has been extremely difficult
for me to find; after all, with 18+ years of aging, more than
half of the original barrel content is lost to the angel's share.
Details: -Single Barrel
#4122 (1997) -90 proof -18 years old -Price: $124
Nose: Saw dust and maple. Cherries,
vanilla bean, and a hint of butter.
Taste: Woody with hints of toffee, coffee flavored ice cream, and a
bitter tannin. Finish: Extremely
smooth with a quick, drying finish.
Conclusion: Elijah Craig 18
is one of those hard to find, eye catching bourbons that just falls short on the palate. Aside from the
woody saw dust notes, the flavors are subtle, and its not going to knock
your socks off. The impact of the oak leaves the bourbon tasting a
tad past its prime. It's fun to sip on 18 year bourbon once in a while,
but at $125, you are overpaying for rarity.
When you spot green text on an E.H. Taylor Jr. label, it's bottled directly from the barrel, uncut and unfiltered. The first batch of E.H. Taylor Barrel Proof bourbon appeared in 2012, with subsequent batches being released every year at a different proof. Buffalo Trace has rightfully immortalized E.H. Taylor with this premium line of whiskeys.
Nose: So potent you can practically taste the flavors. Raisins and plum collide with a whiff of citrus. A bouquet of sweetness stands out, with vanilla icing, brown sugar, and marshmallows. A complexity is realized with the addition of toffee, cinnamon sticks, pepper spice, and barrel char. Taste: A deliciously thick mouthfeel with an indomitable heat; new bourbon drinkers beware! The citrus springs to life and meets the sweetness head on. It's buttery, its toasty- reminiscent of cinnamon toast crunch cereal. There is corn, marshmallow, and maple. The brown sugar is balanced by sharp cutting baking spice and oak. Finish: Spicy with a delicate balance of sweetness and oak. The heat seems permanently saturated in my chest. Conclusion: There is nothing junior about this E.H. Taylor bourbon. Tons of flavors, tons of character, and a decent price tag. All hail the green text! My Rating: A+ (Great) Follow @Blundon_Bourbon Bourbon Brothers Review: