
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jefferson's Straight Rye Whiskey

Today we have my second whiskey review from the good ole folks at Jefferson's. As of late, I've been enjoying aged ryes, so I was excited to finally pop the cork on this bottle. Before I get started, I want to briefly explain the term "straight whiskey". Straight whiskey may be deemed as such when 1) it is aged for two years in charred oak barrels and 2) at least 51% of the mash bill used in distillation contains one specific grain; it just so happens that Jefferson's straight rye whiskey is 100% rye (don't get confused and think that it has to be 100% of a particular grain). The term not only applies to rye, but all styles of whiskey, whether that be bourbon, wheat whiskey, malt whiskey, etc. 

100% rye 
Aged for 10 years
Bottled at 94 proof 

Color: Dim honey

Tidal waves of rye spice splash out of the glass. An abundance of fresh mint leaves and burnt sugar are vibrant and easily identified. Barrel sweetness, baking spices, and hefty oak balance the aroma for a very pleasant nose.

Taste: Sticky mint leaves upfront along with rye spice make for a nice chewy mouthfeel. Thick caramel and vanilla are ever present as a result of 10 years in the barrel. Sea-salt and herbal greens are dominant on the mid palate with oak on the back end.

Finish: A warming, medium length finish of herbal greens and oak.

Conclusion: A few months ago I reviewed my first Jefferson's product and I talked about how they source there whiskey rather than distill it; I don't want to reiterate that information, but I do want to point out that through some research I have read that Jefferson's straight rye whiskey is sourced from Canadian rye (of course Jefferson's has not confirmed this). Regardless, at a $40 price tag, you aren't going to find too many other ryes aged for this long and of this quality- it is certainly worth a try.

My Rating: B+ (Very Good)

Video Review

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