
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Basil Hayden's Bourbon

Today for review I've got another whiskey from Jim Beam's Small Batch Bourbon Collection. Back in the day, Basil Hayden's was aged for 8 years, but unfortunately these days, age statements are dropping like flies.

80 proof
No Age Statement- "Artfully Aged"
High Rye Mash bill 

Color: Brand New Penny

Nose: A light sweetness with vanilla, brown sugar and cherries. There is a slight nuttiest present, but the usual Jim Beam yeast is masked by the high rye. Toasted oak with cinnamon potpourri hold everything together. The nose is hands down my favorite part of this whiskey.

Taste: The high rye mash bill really leaves a brash mark on the palate, along with a heavy, nutty influence. Grape nuts, almonds, nutmeg, subtle oak. There is an initial sweetness but it is crisp and vanishes before it can be appreciated. 

Finish: Smooth, but short in length with peppery spice and a dash of cinnamon potpourri. 

Conclusion: The nose got me really excited but I was slightly let down by the taste. For 80 proof, there is a nice bouquet of subtle flavors to be found. While not my preference , this wouldn't be a bad bottle for a new whiskey drinker to start his journey. 

[Sidebar: I don't often speak about bottle appearance, but I really hate the paper poncho and metal/wooden belt thing Basil Hayden's has going for it. I think a first grade student could design better packaging.]

My Rating: C (Decent)

Bourbon Brothers Review: 

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